In all our excited-ness 😅 we went a little overboard with the brands owned by Volkswagen! Volkswagen sadly does not own Rolls Royce, as wrongly stated in our mailer this morning 😟. VW did however acquire Rolls Royce Limited in 1998 that owned both Rolls Royce and Bentley. BMW acquired the Rolls Royce trademark (for cars) in 1998 itself and relaunched Rolls Royce under the company Rolls Royce Motor Cars Limited 🚀.
Wait, what is..
Trademark: A trademark is nothing but a sign, name or logo that represents your product. Companies can register a trademark for e.g. their brand name and/or logo so that other companies can’t use the same logos and names for their products. Whats a brand name? Ask mom or a big person at home.